22 April 2009

She always thinks I'm prego.

I really don't know why. I can't even count how many times she thought I was. Like today I was telling her how I was throwing up and everything. How I didn't feel good and what not. Then she goes, "when was the last time you had your period?" -______- I know she was thinking that I was probably having morning sickness. I probably my gave her a little heart attack too haha. But then in the most ghetto way I could I was like, "today." hahahah gotcha mama!

You know sometimes it's like she wants me to be pregnant. You have no idea how many times she asks me if I am! I sweaaar like if I gain a little weight she thinks I'm pregnant. And like I have a really weird menstrual cycle. Like it doesn't come every month like it's suppose to. I remember last year when I use to live with her, I didn't have my period for like two months and she was totally freaking out. Omg it was so annoying. >_>

Like idk how my mom thinks of me but she's got it all wrong. I remember one time she met Jeffrey Barrera... x_x oh gosh, it was horrible. She was saying how I change boys like how I change my clothes. Good one, mother. I wonder where she got that from haha. But idk mannnn. She's always thinking that I'm like always playing around and stuff. She doesn't take me seriously. -_-

Well that's all I had to say. I just thought it was pretty amusing. x)

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