24 May 2009


I was just taking a wonderful nap but my mom called and started yelling about how she got a letter from the school saying that I'm a truant. I don't even know if I used that word right. Is it a noun? Pft, I don't know. It's true, yes, that I don't go to school sometimes but dude, I swear, the school makes me look worse than I already do. They told my mom that I had like a bajillion tardies!!! Like dude. I was late like once. I'm not lying to you. There must be some other Kimberly Dela Cruz that's late like everyday or something because I was late like once. Out of the whole year, twice. The school needs to stop trippin and sending out false informaion. This is the second time they've done this. Am I the only one? Does anyone else have some faulty attendance? Geeeez. Oh well. What can I do?

Oh yeah. What really annoys me is the fact that she told me to make my dad walk me to class in the morning to make sure I'm at school. Lmao. I was really trying hard to laugh. Like seriously? You're going to tell a seventeen year old truant to do that? Psh. My dad wouldn't do it either haha. But she was like serious dude. She kept repeating herself and everything. It was the funniest thing.

While she was yelling though, I was thinking that maybe she wouldn't give me autoship anymore and we wouldn't go to Carlsbad tomorrow. Turns out that I'm on my way to her house right now to get the money, but idk about tomorrow. I can care less about shopping right now. My grandpa's health can't wait.

Well have a great day. My mom hasn't ruined mine.

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