28 June 2009


This blogspot is dead. I only really made it because of him.

I like writing letters more anyway, except I would be writing them to myself now. >_>

So have an awesome life. Catch me on Twitter and AIM. Lol. :)

16 June 2009

I'm losing everything.

I'm PMSing like a bitch. Lately when I'm about to be on it, I get so emotional. Everything irritates the crap out of me and I hate everything. I hate my life right now. I can't see the positive or brightside of anything. I hate this. I will take anything that will prevent me from feeling this way. Midol only gets rid of cramps, bloating, fatigue, and other physical symptoms.

Man, I am just not in the blogging mood anymore.

10 June 2009

epic fail.

I have just received my first F in my life.

Honestly, I don't know what to do anymore. All this hardwork is not paying off, and it's not just school.