28 February 2009

Tabula Rasa.

Last night was pretty epic. Both good and bad. Really bad actually. I really don't feel like blogging about it. Maybe some other time.

But one thing that was good that happened last night was how I practically robbed 7/11. It was effing hilarious. So when Diana and Jhonaleen were about to pick me up at my house, I realized that I didn't have money for tonight. HAHAH so my broke ass rounded up 44 quarters! Wooot. That's eleven dollars. Enough for the party, lounge, and then some food. Yup. ;] So after chillin at Jhonaleen's we went to 7/11 to buy some stuff and to exchange my quarters. I told the guy I had 44 quarters and he was like, "Wow, that's like twenty bucks!" and I'm like wow. What a dumbass. I told him that it was actually eleven dollars. Then he took 22 quarters and gave the other 22 quarters to the cashier next to him. I got eleven dollars from him and as I was leaving he was like, "You forgot your other eleven dollars." and I'm thinking that they're just playing around you know. I looked at them and he was handing the money to me so I just took it and hella dipped into the car. I was laughing so hard because I hella had like $22! Fuck yeah haha.

Um yeah. Party was outrageous. (*@^$(*%)*@Y(*SGKDfgoudkgfi798Tsr

Sooo today is pretty different for me. I'm not all hella busy running around doing stuff. It's been pretty chill. It sort of feels like a Sunday. I cleaned my room, did laundry, and I even got all the stuff that I don't need or use so I can sell it at Swap Meet for my pro pack! It was kind of sad. I felt like I was having a funeral for my shoes. Each pair of shoes I have practically tell a story and just the thought of selling them is like selling apart of my life. That sounds hella lame but it's true. I can't give away stuff because it really truly hurts me. I'm not gonna be surprised if I start tearing up at Swap Meet. Hahahaha. But yeah, that's why I usually give my stuff away to my cousins because I'll still see it. :] Ugh, but no I need money for this. I know it's all going to pay off in the end. I can just buy everything back. Or at least my shoes. I'm hella selling my green Nike dunks! Nooo. :'[ I'm so sad. It's okay though. I barely wore them hahaha. Ugh man... but just the thought of them not in my hands anymore... :'[ HAHA BUT MAYBE... Vanessa will buy them. ;]

I was actually suppose to hang out with Ashley today, but she's not feeling too well. It's okay though. I honestly think this is the longest time I've been home in like two weeks. It feels good though. I accomplished a lot today. All my clothes are clean and my room is super clean too! It's like almost everything. I'm probably selling like a quarter or almost half of my things haha. Geez. I was thinking of baking something today. I found baking powder in the cabinet! Wooot woot. I can practically make anything now. I might bake after I take a nap or something. I feel kind of tired. I don't want to sleep though because it's such a beautiful day! It looks great outside. I just want to go out!! I want to do something. It reminds me of the summer. You know. Just chillin at home. Nice weather. I miss it.

Hopefully today will be a great day. :] I really just want to be with friends today and I also want to catch up in all my school work and maybe even get ahead so I can actually sleep during the week! Haha. Have a good day, everyone. <3

26 February 2009

I just remembered!

I know it's random, BUT I just had to mention this!

While I was sleeping in Geroche's, I was hella trying to stay awake right because this nice old lady was talking about something. In the end, I was just like fuck it and I went to sleep. And man oh man. I had a nightmare! It hella woke me up to and kept me awake for the rest of the class period!

But yeah... you'll never guess what my dream was! I don't really remember where I was but someone was about to show me a walrus' dick! HAHAHAHAHAHA. and right when the walrus was going to turn around, I hella woke up because I didn't want to see that shit! Mannn, and I guess I jerked or something because Kamille had that crazy look on her face that she usually has when I wake up. HAHAHHA.

Anyway, I also received a very lovely phone call from Ryan Liban asking me if I wanted pho. I said no because I can't spend money right now! I'm sad. :[ But it's nice to know that he called and asked me if I wanted to eat out. :]]] Oh gee but I gotta get off my fat ass and do some work hahaha. Ta taaaa. :]

Obama fo yo mama!

Today was just another day. There were some things out of the ordinary and I kind of felt more lazy and sleepy today than most days.
BUT.... congratulate me because this is the most I've gone to school in like a month! Woooo. Four straight days in a row. That's what's up!

BUT MAN OH MAN. The highlight of my day was when I walked into Japanese this morning and caught JOSHUA ERIA hella dancing to one of those jpop songs! I guess like there's a certain choreography that goes with the song and he was hella doing it! I was so shocked. My jaw just dropped. I've known this guy for like the longest time and this is the first time ever I've seen him dance. It wasn't even bad at all. He was really good and he was so into it! It was the most hilarious thing! I couldn't stop thinking about. I even made him dance for me during sixth period hahaha. Mannnn dude! He can dance. x]

So like I've been owning it up in Spanish like all week. <3 <3. They call me the King now. HAHAHA. I also learned today that Luke gets hella annoyed when I raise my eyebrows at him. HAHA. Dude, I know it makes his little heart melt. <3 He was all denying it. x_x Hahaha.

Um but yeah. Today was pretty much an easy day. I had a sub in clothing. I learned a lot about the different types of clothing. I actually got really confused in pre- cal haha. I'm really sick of APES now. I love the enivornment, but Mrs. Jimenez is driving me crazy. She made us make a fifteen minute lesson to teach to the class tomorrow. Nice one. Whatever. Just made some shit ass poster. x] Like a nerd, I did most of my pre- cal homework at lunch and then ate and got to talk to my favorite person, Daysha! Man, I miss her. :] It was nice to have one of those deep lunchtime talks again. Lunch seemed really short today. Geroche was boring. I fell asleep actually. Some lady came and she was talking about Obama and like other stuff. I don't really know because I was sleeping haha. I didn't feel like doing history work so I did pre- cal instead haha. But man in Meyer, I was falling asleep so much! I've never slept so much in that class before. especially because he made us listen to some montonous guy singing about like Vietnam or something. Idk but I didn't like it. It made me sleepy and the singer was hella mumbling.

I was planning to go to the marketing meeting with Theresa, but I couldn't find her. I saw Valerie and she said that there was no practice today so I just got some food with Bashley. Thennn I was trying to go to the meeting but I couldn't even find them! They weren't in the library or the classroom. Booooo. So yeah I just walked home while reading Grapes. It was funny because I saw Adrian at the stoplight and he was all telling me how dangerous it is to be reading and walking haha. x]

Oh maannn and here I am at home. I just took a shit and ate butter cookies with Nutella. HAHA. I think that's why I've been going to the bathroom a lot lately. I've been eating tons of chocolate like EVERYDAY! I really just wanted to relax today but there's so much to do! It seems like I can never have the chance to just stop and breathe, you know? Eh, well. It'll pay off in the end because I'm gonna retire eaaaaarly. Fuck yeah. Alright, have a nice rest of the day. <3

25 February 2009

What's cookin', good lookin'?

Life is great! I like how things are right now. I'm working hard in school and in the business.
Especially today when I was going off en el salon de espanol! Man oh man. I was participating like crazy and just owning everybody. I loooved that feeling because everyone knew I was gone for a long time but I still knew so much. <3 style="font-weight: bold;">men today. It would be so nice to have one right now. You know. Just that someone that makes you feel special and they're always there to support you. Especially right now. All kinds of crazy things are happening and sometimes I feel really lonely at like random times of the day. But I guess it's partially my fault. I kind of don't have a phone so I can't really keep in contact with people as well. It's alright though.

I'm really, really sleepy now! I wanted to blog more but, uh, yeah. I'm hella tired and I should try to get as much sleep as I can. You know, at this age we're suppose to be getting about 8-10 hours of sleep. Too bad I only get like six. Booooo.

But man! I am so looking forward to this weekend! I'm not really sure what I have planned but I am sure looking forward to spending time with Ashley Casiple Ocampo. <3 style="font-style: italic;">forever and I freaking miss her so much. Well, I must get my beauty sleep. It's starting to take a toll on my face actually. I have like these little baby eyebags and I'm breaking out on the side of my face. Too bad it's not the side where my bangs are. That way I can cover them hahaha. Oh well. Goodnight, everyone!

24 February 2009

Because all suffering is sweet to me.

Happy Fat Tuesday! It looks like I'm not going out to eat or anything today. It's okay though.
I had a pretty good day!

I didn't really do anything in Spanish but grade tests. Sadly, Precious and I failed. :[ Whatever.
I learned how to do a catch stitch in clothing design and I nearly killed myself while ironing. Hahahha. x]
I think I did well on my pre- cal test!
I didn't do shit in APES. I hate it when Mrs. Jimenez tries to teach us math. I'm serious. She phails. I do not understand her haha.
I finally bought my ID at lunch! It was hella funny because I was hella at the ASB store asking for an ID when I was really suppose to go to the Finance office. Ayaiyai. Yup then I just ate some lunch with Kermille and she bought me a Rice Krispie. Yumm! They're so good but I don't understand why they're so small now. :[
I actually listened to Mr. Geroche speak today. Well, most of the time. I fell asleep for a little bit, but I woke up and forced myself to study for the test that I still have to take!!
Blaahh, Meyer was boring. Just reading and watching The Grapes of Wrath. It was hella old and in like black and white. Hahaha.

Afterschooool, I finally got my ID! I forgot how ugly my picture was haha. It was funny because earlier I freaking went to the attendance office instead of the main office. Hahaha! I don't know what's wrong with me today. It's like I don't know my school anymore. x_x Ooh and I also saw the time control center thingy which basically controls the bells for school and what not and I know how to switch it to modified day. It's my goal to switch it to modified day one day. Hahahaha. x] That would be freaking cool.

Then, I had practice. It was hard because I forgot to put a Band- Aid on my two cuts so I was stepping hella ugly haha. I sort of got the new step Joseph was teaching us. :/ I hate how I'm such a slow learner. It frustrates me! After practice ended, my mother picked me up to take me home.

My mom was not in a good mood. It's like everytime I'm with her, she's always complaining. She's always bringing me down. She's totally spreading all her negativity to me. I hate it. I understand though. She's working two jobs and she's tired. Her stupid ass sister keeps asking for money and no it's not for food for her countless children or gas. It's so that she can lose it all in the casino. It really makes me mad. She really needs to get off her fat ass and work. She can't be asking my mom for money all the time and it's not even for important stuff. It's so sad. This is the same auntie I was talking about earlier. Seriously man. She needs to think about her kids. They need food and clothing. And what about education? Eh. I don't even want to talk about this anymore. It hella pisses me off. I'm only like seventeen years old and I'm busy trying to do some work so I can help my family. Why should I even help her and give her money? I don't trust her. She's going to use it for something else. Oh god. I don't even want to start. =_=

You know what would really make my day? Pancakes! :]] Too bad no one loves me enough to take me there haha. It makes me kind of sad though because it reminds me of someone from last year. Hah whatever. The past belongs in the past. But anyway. I've got lots to do today! I need ta shower and eat and do homework. Luckily, I don't have a lot today so yeah. :] I get to sleep tonight! Have a good rest of the day. <3

23 February 2009

Pet peeves.

1. When my internet gets ugly which causes my blogs to disappear when I try to publish them!!!
It's fucking annoying. I spend all this time typing up a blog and everything and it just vanishes! =_=

2. When I get all bi- polar when I blog.
This is why I type up blogs and delete them. I read them after I'm done and if it doesn't sound right altogether, I just delete it and start over haha. Like earlier... I don't know man. It was all kinds of weird hahaha.

3. When I have an away message saying that I'm unhappy, mad, upset, sick, pissed, etc. and someone hella annoying asks me, "Are you okay? Blah blah."
Like James, right? HAHA. I'm just kidding. It's only certain people that bug me who do that and it's most likely the people that I don't like. >_>

4. When I'm walking in the hallways at Morse during passing period and some stupid ass gets in my way and they bump into me.
Uh, yeah. I don't like walking around people. I wish I was taller sometimes so then people would notice me more and they wouldn't have to fucking walk into me!

5. When people mess with me when I'm sleeping!
Stop it!!!!!!!!!

6. People who fucking flake on you and they don't call you to let you know.
I'm alright with flakers but man.. the flakers that don't call you! That makes me mad.

7. Someone who flakes on you to drink and/or do drugs.
Self- explanatory. You might as well bring me along, too. HAHAH. I'm kidding.

8. People who ask me, "So how are you and ____?" when I obviously am not talking to someone, or interested in someone, and I don't even have a boyfriend. o_o
Yeah, that's annoying! But it's funny sometimes because they're somewhat right. Like someone would like have a crush on me and I wouldn't notice it and I would just be like, "wtf are you talking about?" or like I would have a crush on someone and I'm all tryna keep it on the dl, but phail. x_x hahaha.

THEY CAN ALL KISS MY ASS. I hate it when they ask to see my ID or hella look at my temporary ID to make sure it's up to date. I hate it when they rush me to class like all day, everyday. I even hate the way they look at me. It's like they think I'm gonna kill someone.

10. When I blog when I should be doing my homework.
HAHAHA and I totally regret it later when I wake up in the morning. I'm all hella tired and cold. I'm always like, "Okay, I'll go to sleep earlier next time." Hahaha. Psh, whatever.

But yeah, I must go.. Tomorrow is Pancake Day at iHop. I'm tempted to leave school early, but I can't. I might just go before work anyway. Alright, goodnight everyone!

22 February 2009

What do Kimberly and homeless people have in common?

They both want change. HAHAHAHA. Dude, if you want to hear a damn good Obama joke, just ask. ;] Or maybe even a pickup line. I forgot to use them at Vanessa's debut today. =_= I wanted to take a cute guy home with me. HAHA SIKKEE.

But yeah really. I want things to change. I want things to happen. I always say this, like really. But I mean it now. I don't like how things currently are. I'm gonna get off my lazy ass and do work. I need to go to school everyday and do my homework everyday. I need to start blowing up my business so I don't have to live the current lifestyle that I live. I need to eat healthier and go to sleep. I need to trim my hair every six weeks to keep it healthy. I need to clean my room and keep it cleaned. I need to be a nice person and stop saying bad words. I need to stop being so blunt and honest because sometimes it hurts people's feelings and they always take it up the ass. -_-

I don't want my parents to worry about the bills anymore or stress about work. I don't want my mom to be working two jobs. I want my dad to have a better car. I want to show my family the world. I want to prove my bitchass auntie that I'm not a loser! I want good grades and beautiful skin. These random break outs are not the business. x_x

Okay, enough! I'm tearing up because I'm such a crybaby. :'[

So today was Vanessa's debut! It was fun fun. Most of the team was there which was nice. It was really funny though because the randomest people were roses. HAHAH like Fernan! Omg. Vanessa's auntie just gave him a rose and he took it. Funny stuff hahaha. I even finally got to see Vern but I didn't get to introduce myself because I was being a fatass and eating. :'[ While waiting in line for food though, I saw something that I thought was a fake cake. Like fa real though. I thought it was there for display. It hella looked like it was made out of styrofoam or something. So.. my dumbass hella pokes it with my finger trying to prove to Natalie it's fake. But no. =_= It was actually a real cake and there was a big hole in it. HAHAHA. Yeah. >_> Food was delicious. It's been a long time since I had asian food.

If you don't know already, I can't really talk in front of a crowd of people. Like speeches, debates, presentations, etc. I really don't know why and it's really ironic because I can perform really well in front of like hundred of people! I was one of Vanessa's candles and I totally said nothing. They gave me the mic and lit my candle and I just stood there looking at Vanessa and then the crowd... x_x Ayaiyai. So many people! I was shaking and everything and I didn't know what to say! :'[ But yeah. That just sucked. I hugged her and told her, "Happy Birthday." HAHAHA. I made it up afterwards though. I stepped for her. ;] I was nervous too but I did it. Geez, I'm so weird. Wouldn't you think performing is harder than speaking in front of people? @__@ Gosh, I'm so abnormal! Hahahaha.

Well, I'm hella tired and Daschel is taking forever to give me my Grapes of Wrath book. >:[

21 February 2009

Maybe it's time to blog...

I haven't been blogging everyday because I've been so damn busy. People say that there's no such thing as having no time, but honestly they're wrong. There is such thing as no time. Unless you just don't want to eat and sleep anymore for the rest of your life. I've been living a pretty hectic lifestyle. I go to school (most of the time... or not really) and then I practice for step after school for like a good two hours. Then, my ass walks home because my bitchass auntie doesn't want to give me a ride home. I'm not as mad about it now as I was before. I usually just read or study Spanish while walking but it really sucks though when I have to carry a lot of stuff. That's when I usually ask her for a ride and most of the time she doesn't. So by the time I get home, I'm tired as fuck and I still need to eat, do homework, and get ready for work. Most of the time I can't even finish my homework. There's seriously no time. I'm usually home for about two hours but that's not enough time to complete ALL of my homework. I also still have to eat, shower, get ready... blah blah. THENNNN I'm at work and get home around ten thirty. I'm hella tired and hungry and I still have to do homework! So I'm usually up until twelve or one doing the things I need to do. FInally, I sleep but it's not the amount of hours you're suppose to have at this age. Then this just repeats itself Monday-Thursday and I"m tired as fuck at school and I usually spend lunch doing my homework. x_x

Weekends are pretty hectic too. There's always something to do. I'm not talking about partying but like other things like ap exam prep classes, performances, training... etc. I do all sorts of things, plus I hang out with my friends because I usually don't have the time to talk or socialize during the week. I'm usually out late and I end up sleeping a lot or even not at all. With all this havoc, I only spend a few hours doing homework. :[

Anyway, I mostly wanted to blog about what's been hella bothering me. I was so irritable this week. I thought I was PMSing but I'm not even on my period wtf. It's hella late. I hope it doesn't turn out like last year where I only had my period like every other month. I don't know why I'm so irregular like that. But yeah I would get so irritated and annoyed by the most silliest things this week. And just like people in general. They piss me off. So my beautiful organized self is going to make a list. Haha dude seriously I think it's funny how I make a list of like everything.

1. Family; my damn family annoys the shit out of me. They don't support me at all in what I do or what I need. When I need help, they're just not there for me. It's hard. It's hard living the way I do. My dad has barely enough money to get by and he can't even afford to buy me food. When he bought me food like two weeks ago was like the first time in months. I"m serious. My family does not have my back at all. They piss the hell out of me. They always think the worst of me. I don't know why but they think I'm not going to college or something. They think I'm some kind of stupid ass kid.

WHAT THE FUCK. So I'm at my cousin's house house right and I fucking ask my little cousin to get me a glass of water and I fucking said please and she was straight up like "no." Fucking bitch. Then my other little cousin walks into the room and I ask her and she fucking says the same thing. Goddamn. What the fuck is wrong with these children? Seriously. I hate them. They have bad parents. I'm not even talking shit. Their parents don't do shit. They had so many goddamn children when they know they can't afford it. It takes like 1.3 million fucking dollars to raise a child from 0-18. What the fuck and they have like six damn kids. My god and my fucking auntie always buys them like junk food and what not. She's not teaching them manners and shit omg. The only cousin I really like is Christal. I think it's because she's the oldest. She understands. She knows what's up. We use to fight a lot before but now we're cool. Fuck. I hate my family. They have no fucking respect for me. I respect them. I help them when they need me. Oh my fucking gosh. I don't even want to talk about this anymore.

Okay looks like this is just a blog about my stupid family. Seriously, when I'm fucking big balling I'm not helping them. Idgaf if they're family. Shit. They all can die. Except maybe for Christal. I'm too mad to finish this. Bleh whatever. I'm going to go steal some of my auntie's alcohol and get drunk tonight.

12 February 2009

South Bay Water Treatment Facility

Most horrible fucking field trip of my life. I was not prepared for this at all.

We left the school around nine in a school bus. I sat next to Yolanda. We found out that the treatment center was RIGHT NEXT to Tijuana! Like dude, we were practically in Mexico. You can see the high ass fences and everything. I just wanted to take a picture in front of it and maybe steal some Mexico dirt. HAHA.

When we arrived we were warned to stay with the group at all times because there were moving parts THAT CAN CUT OFF BODY PARTS. I was like "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" It was like we were in some kind of death trap. I was hella trippin and keeping my arms to myself. Faaa real. Then this old guy was talking about to be careful where you step because you could fall through and end up like drowning in churning waters. Oh gosh and he said to be careful of what you touch too because of acid. WHAT THE FUCK RIGHT?! What are these kinds of things doing in a water treatment place? I was hella paranoid. You don't even know.

All the things that guy showed us was cool and everything but everything went downhill when he fucking took us to the most horrible place in the world... I forgot the name actually and it's purpose. It got to the point where I stopped paying attention. But basically there was this room with a bunch of just straight up GARBAGE. It smelled so bad. I cannot even begin to describe the smell. You couldn't even breathe. I was just gagging and I was trying so hard not to throw up. I couldn't breathe at all so I started to breathe a little through my mouth. But no... YOU CAN FUCKING TASTE THE SMELL. WHAT THE FUCK. THAT'S HOW BAD IT WAS. I was just dying. I could not breathe and take this smell. I even started to cry because it was just so bad. I was even getting a headache. I don't even know how long we were in there but it felt like forever. I was so relieved when we got out. I'm so greatful for clean air. <3

I was not enjoying myself after that. I felt so sick. I was hungry before that but now my appetite was GONE. Even right now. I do not feel like eating or drinking water! Eww, fuck that. It still smelled really bad after that room but not as bad. Other students in my class started putting like food and gum wrappers in their noses. That's how bad it was. I couldn't stand it. There was even this area with some DIRTY ASS WATER being filtered. Oh my gosh. There were so many bugs. Like everything was just covered in bugs. It was so gross. There was even this door just covered in those bugs.

Finally after suffering through hell, we went back to school with only ten minutes or so left of lunch. I asked Dariel to pick me up and I hella dipped. Here I am now at home. Not hungry whatsoever. I would love to blog more but I am so incredibly busy. I've got a lot of things to do today. I love it though. :]<3

Have a good rest of the day.

09 February 2009

Weekend warriors.

Hello, here is a recap of my weekend:

I went to USANA Regionals! It was fun. It was nice listening to all the guest speakers. It was very inspiring. I even saw Donn, which was hella random. I just turn around for a sec and I see Donn waving from all the way from the other side of the room. o_o We got out around one and we decided to walk to Subway. Josh bought me lunch. :]] We went back to the Convention Center and my bitchy mom was all complaining and I ended up walking to the Hilton while the others went back to Regionals. My mom wasn't even there! I was panicing because I didn't have a phone. :[ So I asked this random old guy if I could use his. o_o That work out good and I found my mom. We stopped by the house to get my shoes and she dropped me off at school for practice.

I practiced for a good hour. It was pretty cold. My mom picked me up and we went to the mall real quick to pay the bill, then she dropped me off at Kamille's. It smelled so good when I walked in! I could tell she was baking. ;] I changed at her house and I was having the most trouble getting my stockings on because of my nails. Omg. /)_- After finally getting dressed, I ate some pizza. Kamille, Jonathan, and Muki got ready and we finally left. Kamille let me have some of her brownies! Woot woot. Sooo goood. :]] We arrived at Eastlake high school just before seven. The line for Dance for a Cure was hella long! And Muki and I didn't even buy our ticket yet. So we got into a separate line and bought ours and ended up cutting the whole line and went straight to the front where the rest of Morse was. Hahaha! We finally got in and practically ran to the front. x] The show started and I was happy because they did mention something about childhood cancer this time haha. It was fun. Morse All Male was the shit. <3 style="font-style: italic;">forever for Velma to come. ;_; We took pictures and was just playing around. Cheyenne was all hella annoyed because she thought we looked like cholos HAHAH. Finally, Velma came and we all left to downtown. We got to Lyceum Theater first and Theresa and I went into the drug store real quick to buy mascara. It was like eight bucks! I wanted to just take it but I knew Theresa wouldn't like that so I just paid for it. x_x It's Maybelline's Lash Stiletto. It's not that great. -___- It does make it long though and it doesn't clump. But I think Colossal makes it longer so boo. ;_; Well anyway, everyone else arrived at Lyceum and we checked in. We got bright pink wristbands and we were put into this room with all the other performers. There was this big screen of the actual stage we were going on. It seemed like we were in there forever! The show begin a little early and we were just watching from inside that room. The dancing was fun. It seemed like everyone was doing the stanky leg. HAHAHAHHAAHAHA. I need to learn that dance. o_o Finally the step division started. I think we got up third? We were after PSI. I'm so proud of them. They're so good. I knew I should have joined PSI when I was stll in middle school. -__-

I was sooo damn nervous before we went up. Just standing backstage, waiting. My knees were just hella shaking man. I think we did great though. In the beginning, the two strings in front of my sweater kept hitting me in the face hahaha. I also felt like I was losing balance for a little bit in the beginning. x_x I also messed up a little during Collabo. The part where I have to turn around. They just changed that the morning of. >_> I don't think I was too noticeable though. Oh man and everyone said I was gettin' it during Ducky. Oh fuck yeah. :DD Lincoln went up after us and we ran back to the room so we can watch them! Hahaha. They looked the same like at tech rehearsal. o_o After all the step performances, was the STEP BATTTTTTTLLLEEE. Tell me why Morse fucking owned that shit right there! We deserved first, like everyone said. After that lame ass battle that we didn't even win, we had the little awards thing. I don't really remember who won the dance competition. I think D.E.M won first. They were good. :] For step, PSI got first and Lincoln got second. I have so much to say about this aha. I was going to blog about it on Saturday but I was just tooo pissed.

I think PSI got first. I'm not gonna lie. But Lincoln.... second? That's some bullshit. Everyone knew that Morse should have gotten second. After Kuumba Fest, people were just coming up to us saying that we should have got second and not Lincoln. We actually stepped. We didn't need music or have to dance half the time. Psh, WHATEVER. Morse got second. 'nough said.

I got home and I was just talking to people about Kuumba. I was pretty mad. Jeffrey Moral picked me up and we went to Scott's apartment. We were waiting FOREVER for him in the car and it was hella raining! Jeff and I smoked a little in the car and Scott finally came out. We went to Jack in the Box to get food and Scott got a Monster at King's. Then we were on our way to Kristy's party in PB. We got hella lost because of these bobo directions we had. I guess it was fun. Honestly, the DJ was whack but good thing there was food! Woot woot. After the party, we went to this hooka lounge on El Cajon. After that, I was suppose to go home but my dad wasn't picking up and I didn't want to doorbell at like two in the morning. So I just ended up sleeping at Tonka's. His house was HELLA COLD. It was like Alaska hahaha.

Tonka woke me up around nine and I went home. I did laundry and showered. Gerald asked me if I wanted to go out for lunch and maybe even a movie. I said yeah and I got ready. We went to Sushi Deli but it was closed. We went to Wendy's though and got some fries. Yum! Then, we walked down the street to Ra Sushi. It was a hella cute place and the food was booommb. I got some udon noodles and DEEP FRIED ICE CREAM. Mmmmm, that stuff is the shit.

Then, we went to Plaza Bonita mall to watch The Uninvited. I totally reccommend this movie to EVERYONE. It was so good. But before the movie started, Anthony hooked us up with some food. <3<3<3. I ended up sleeping that night with the lights on! HAHAHAH. I ended up waking up around five because my piercing retainer fell out. It was kind of funny when I think of it now because I was like half asleep and I just forced the retainer through because I think my hole was closing. Gee, second time this weekend. Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that earlier. On Saturday, my piercing retainer fell out when I was eating. I just told myself that I was going to put it in when I was done. BUT I FREAKING FORGOT. It was probably out for like thirty minutes. I was panicing because I didn't want my hole to close and get it repierced! :'[ I tried to put it back in but I couldn't because of my damn nails. Then I call Marc real quick to put it in for me. He hella put that shit in man! It hurt like a bitch. Like I got pierced again. :'[ I was in pain for like a good ten minutes. x_x

So today is Monday! Threeee day weekend! Today is going to be a productive day because I have a lot of things to do. And damn it's almost twelve wtf! Well, I'm hella hungry so I'm gonna eat. Bye bye. :]]

07 February 2009


Bad news.
- This damn weather is killing me, literally.
- I forgot my house key at practice this morning.
- My parents are mostly not there when I need them.
- My mother does not like black people.
- Morse keeps fucking calling me.
- I wish I had more hair. I'm so close to getting a damn weave.
- My room is so dirty.
- Too many goddamn bottles in my room!
- I don't know what I'm doing after Kuumba Fest tonight.

Good news.
- Kuumba Fest tonight.
- I have food.
- I think Velma has my house key. I saw her pick it up but I forgot to get it from her because I was putting on my sweater.
- Hopefully I get to hang out with the USANA fam after Kuumba and Regionals.

I would blog more and go into more detail and what not but I got my nails done for the first time yesterday for Kuumba. I've never had long nails in my life and I can't function! x_x
Hooray for my slow ass typing! -__- Well, Morse is going to own it today. Ttyl. <3

05 February 2009

Bagels. o_o

I totally ate a Sara Lee blueberry bagel this morning with peanut butter. It was pretty good and it filled me up. Consequently, it gave me this crazy sugar rush before school and I totally crashed in Spanish and just felt all dead and tired after. x___x

Today was a good day though. :] I really missed my phone for the first time today. We had a sub in clothing design and she doesn't let us go on the sewing machines while she's gone so we usually have to do some lame worksheet. x_x If I had my phone, I would probably be on it doing some fun stuff like texting my friends or reading my horoscope. :/ Yeah, those were the days.

Pre- cal was boring as fuck like it usually is. I didn't even do anything haha. Fourth period was fun I guess. I was telling Allen how yesterday, I hella ate like half the jar of those yummy and delicious gummy bear vitamins. Then, like an hour later I totally took the craziest shit of my life. I swear I like shit out everything I ate that week. HAHAH. And um yes. That explains my clogged toilet. HAHAHAHAH. It was still clogged this morning actually. o_o It's okay now though! ^_^ But I totally felt like some dumbass in APES today though. We were talking about the Colorado River and I forgot if Colorado was a state or if it was like a city. I'm serious! I even forgot where it was. Hahaha and I even asked out loud if Denver was a state. =_= Yeah, yeah. I'm stupid. We ended up watching this movie about water and dams. It was kind of sad because there use to be this big lake in California but people starting planting cotton and wheat fields and all the plowing and irrigation caused the lake to get smaller. Now it's like this puny puddle. >_> It's really sad. Oh yes. I also bought a Valentine's Day card from Jonathan. :]]] I wonder if Junior Exec ever read the cards that are filled out. o_o I probably would actually HAHAH. Man am I nosy. =_=

Lunch was lame as hell! Ms. Larkin wasn't in her room and I wasn't sure where I was going to eat lunch or even heat up my food. I ended up heating it up in Ms. Rolf's and then sitting at the bench with the others and eating. I totally felt fob. You have no idea. I had those red sausages with rice in a TupperWare. Oh God. I'm glad that I have hella friends to cover me while I'm eating. <3

So I keep seeing my cousin and forgetting that it's her. I keep fucking checking her out and shit hahaha. She had some cute shorts on today. Kamille says she's sort of like me because of the way that she dresses. She don't think she dresses like me at all but she said how it's like different and loud. I guess she's right haha. She still hasn't noticed me in Mr. Geroche's class! Omg, I totally embarassed Kamille today in class. It was hella funny. She was telling me about all the things I left at her house and she was saying how I left my one little shoe lace for my flats. And I was like, "What are you talking about?" But then I realized and started hella laughing because I can't even wear my flats without that one shoe lace! It was crazy because the moment I started lmao- ing, the class went quiet! So everyone was just like damn, Kim. HAHAHA and yeah. Lecture started after that and I just went to sleep. I woke up later because I remembered I had to finish my math homework. Kamille kept picking some stuff off my sweater and she was telling me how I was HELLA linty. I was argueing with her, telling her that I wasn't linty and my sweater was just like that. Unofrtunately, I was wrong. I guess that wasn't the style of my sweater. I realized that I did have a shitload of lint. Omg, I can't believe I walked around the whole day like that! Some friends, man! Kamille and I were hella laughing though man. I'm such an idiot. Again, the class went quiet while I was lol- ing. Like seriously, I think they purposely do that to make me look bad. Hahahaha.

Um yeah and sixth period was chill because I didn't do shit but read. <3 Practice was fun! It was in the amp. We ended early though because it started to hella rain. I'm glad Theresa was able to give me a ride home. I hate walking in the cold. :[ It's the worst. I got home and got ready and everything for USANA Regionals tonight. :]]] I'm really excited!

Oh yes. For Valentine's Day, I want Glade air fresheners instead of flowers. :]
HAHA okay bye. :]<3

04 February 2009

Back to school.

I finally went to school! I really didn't feel like it because I was hella tired in the morning haha. it was a really good day though. I thought it wasn't a modified day because I know Morse is a bitch and they would give us a regular day today. Unfortunately, it was modified! I was hella trippin' out in first period. I thought we were having like a drill or something hahah. I was happy though. I thought I was going to be able to read the Grapes of Wrath during lunch but I managed to read the rest of it in APES.

It was soo nice talking to Melchor in clothing design today! :]] He said he missed me because he felt alone. :[ Aw, cute. Hahaha. But man oh man. I have so much to catch up in precal! I'm not too worried though because I've learned all before last year. I also got my APES field trip permission slip! We're going to some water treatment place next Thursday. Woot woot. We're only going to be gone from second period to fourth though. o_o I was talking to Jamie how we all should like walk super slow and ask a million questions while we're there so we can be out of school longer hahaha.

So I was walking to Geroche and I heard the failed attempt of this fob boy tryna say hi to me. He's John's friend and he's totally in love with me. It's so sad though. He sucks at trying to get a girl. :[ But anyway Geroche's class was fun this time! I didn't go to sleep either. ;] He was all trying to make me do work too. o_o haha but dude I totally filled out this Valentine's date application! HAHAHAH. I can't believe Geroche is doing that. I totally put some cheesy stuff on there man. It asked for like some fun things I liked to do and I put, "Long walks on the beach and candle lit dinners...." HAHAHA. Fun stuff, fun stuff. ;] OH man. There was this new student talking to Geroche and I could tell she was new because of the clothes she was wearing and I've never seen her around before. I was wondering who this girl was until I realized that she was my cousin HAHAHA. I totally forgot that she transferred on Monday from Sacramento. Oh geez. She didn't see me though and she sort of sits behind me. I made a bet with Kamille that she would never notice me. I shouldn't have made that bet though because I'm like the loudest girl in class. Hahaha. x]

Practice was fun! We are probably like the most goofiest team at Morse. =_= You should see us practice one day haha. Well after a hard day at practice, I went to my auntie's house to eat. I ate these really cute dinosaur chicken nuggets! They were hella legit. ;] Then I took a nap and then went home. :]]]] I put in a load of laundry because I have aboslutely no clothes to wear to work tonight haha. I would love to blog more but homework is more important now. Have a good rest of the day. <3

03 February 2009

My father.

I totally forgot to write a blog about my dad.

I think our relationship is improving! I'm trying to get him to talk more and I'm trying to like be more involved into his life.... o_o Tell me why I sound like the parent here? Hahahah. Funny, funny. But anyway, how I know this... is because I came home today after practice all hungry and found that he had left me some Taco Bell in my room! And of course, it was my favorite: CRUNCHWRAP SUPREME! >:DDD. Not only that, but he gave me a whole pack of TOOTHBRUSHES!!!!!!!! If you didn't know, my dumbass likes to lose my toothbrushes in between the wall and the sink and it gets hella dirty. I also don't feel like sticking my hand all the way down there and then I would have to wash it too because it's probably covered in dust bunnies and hair. I hate how I always drop stuff down there. :[ I even dropped my goddamn pet fish while I was cleaning his tank. HAHAHAHA. <3

Omg so I finally took out the sweaters out of the dryer and I think I know why my hair gets so static-y. I'm not sure if that's even a word hahah. But as I was taking the sweaters out of the dryer, I kept getting like shocked and shit! Not just like a few times, but like every time I touched them! You can even hear them like cackling and shit. It was hella crazy. Even when I went upstairs to go fold them all and what not, they were still making some noise and shocking the shit out of me! Gee, how electrifying. x_x

Okay, I must must must sleeeeep! Good night!

Tech rehearsal and more!

We had tech rehearsal today at Lyceum Theater in downtown. I honestly didn't expect so much people to be there. Also, Lincoln Step was there and they even went up before us. They're pretty sick though, I have to admit. Right after them, we went up and we really were unsure if we were suppose to enter in from the left or right side. I didn't know what was going on so I was just kind of following everyone else. We end up doing ALL our formations backwards, like a mirrored image. Haha I'm not sure how to describe it.

I was really nervous and it was already hot in there so I was sweating like a bitch haha. It felt kind of weird because I'm not even African- American. o_o I think Theresa and I were the only Asians. Haha but it's okay. We're dark. Maybe no one will notice? Haha. But yeah. I think our performance went well except our formations were messed up because they were backwards.

I can't wait for Saturday! I just wish my friends were going. :'[

So I have all eleven sweaters now. I should feel really happy and everything. I feel accomplished but I feel like I'm not done or something. o_o Oh and guess who IMed and called me today? Donn. -__-

He was like, "Hurry give me your money now! I'm doing shirts tomorrow!"

First off all, he fucking late as hell. Second, I didn't want shirts. o_o But whatever. I got off on him on the phone. I really don't want to get into that. I didn't tell him that we were getting them silk screened at FAN MART! HAHA. I don't care though. I wouldn't give him a second chance anyway for doing our sweaters. Fuck no.

So anyway, I'm pre- washing the sweaters right now. :] Of course, I learn everything I know about clothes from clothing design class. :DD I'm hella tired though. All this sleep is catching up with me now hahaha. I'm going to school tomorrow too. /)_- I have a lot of work to catch up on. I also still have to read about water for APES. I would read about it in class but I don't feel like carrying my book around because I'm already walking around with a million sweaters. I'm carrying like my bag and then a big Coach bag and a big Betsey Johnson bag. Hahaha I like how they're like designer brands. o_o Better than walking around with a huge trash bag though. I was thinking about using that because I couldn't think of anything else.

You know what's annoying me right now? I sort of have like categories for the different types of people who talk on AIM. I don't really have specific names for them though. I should. That would be funny hahaha. x]

But there are those people who are really like trying to make a conversation but I don't think they really know what to say. Like they want to talk to you and everything but they honestly don't know what to talk about!

screenname1: hey.
kimberlymachine: hello.
screenname1: what's up?
kimberlymachine: nothing really actually.
screenname1: oh that's cool.
kimberlymachine: yup.
screenname1: hmmm...

and then it just continues like that. o_o You know and like the person just asks like questions and Idk. I'm not sure if I can explain it well but maybe you get the picture? HAHA but yeah I'm talking to someone like that right now. x_x

AND THENNN.... there's that person who's tryna get at you and he just does not get a clue. I don't think there's an example for this. He's hella trying to make conversation and I'm just giving him like these short ass replies and what not. I'm sort of trying to make it look like I'm not interested at all you know. o_o That doesn't work most of the time because I'm not 100% sure if they even like me and I don't want to be like, "Sorry, but I don't like you. Can we just be friends?" Because I could be wrong and sound like a conceited bitch who thinks everyone likes me. Hahahaha.

--- Okay my internet was out for like the longest time. o_o I was getting no connection at all whatsoever. Not even like a little bit though.

But tell me why I kept hearing Mad by Ne- Yo everytime I got into a car?!?! It really brought me back memories and I was kind of sad for all three car rides. x_x haha well I'm insanely tired so I'm going to just end this blog here. Goodnight everyone! :]]

Feelin' good today.

I put a song on here. o_o I wasn't sure what the hell I was doing but I got it! I'm not sure how to make it auto play but whatever. Press play if you wanna listen! >;D

I woke up real good this morning. I didn't feel like I was dying haha. I still have a cold but I can breathe a little and I don't sound totally stupid. My plan for the morning was to go to Denny's with Erik before school and then go to Denny's later with Fernan. Then, go hunt for some step sweaters.
o_o Erik didn't call me this morning and I already woke up too late and Fernan? ... I don't know! Hahah I'm hella starving though. I'm about to just eat at home because I have no one to eat with. :[

I did accomplish something today. It made me reeeeallly happy. I went to Price Breakers with my dad and I was able to find six small sweaters! Yesss. I was trying to bargain with those asian people but it didn't work. :[ Damn asians. It only seems to work with the Mexicans at Swap Meet. /)_- Oh that reminds me of that one time I was in New York's Chinatown and I kept getting some hella cheap stuff because I was flirting with the little Chinese boys! HAHAHAHAHA. I was all into it man. It was hella funny. I was, like, winking and smiling. Tryna to look hella cute. HAHAHA. Man, that shit was funny.

The only downside of today is that I still need two more sweaters! :[ They didn't have any at all at Five for Ten. I was so surprised. I mean, not even one? o_o I really have no idea where to search. I've gone to Wal Mart already and they have like every color BUT white. /)_x Also, I've missed two days of school so I bet I have to like read a shitload for English, hella catch up in precal, missed Spanish, and uhhh screw APES and history.

Mr. Geroche is pretty cool now actually. I don't totally hate him like I use to. I listen to him now and I sleep less. :] He's been talking about Valentine's Day a lot though. Remember back in elementary, when everyone would give each other Valentine's Day cards in class and have like a little party? He's letting us do that. O_O Cool, but weird. I don't even know like half the class, honestly. Hahahaha. I can't be passing out papers in that class. I'll probably end up giving it to the wrong people.

It's almost twelve! Which means Tyra Show! I effing love this show man. I think it's a pretty good episode today, but I forgot what it was hahaha. Alright, have a good day everyone. <3

02 February 2009

I seriously can't sleep.

I was laying in bed for a freaking hour! What the fuck is that?! I'm serious! I think I have developed some sleeping problems because I just can't sleep anymore! I'm not even tired. Wtf shit. This pisses me off. I'm one of those people who believe in beauty sleep and I'm gonna look like shit tomorrow! -__- But I think maybe one of the reasons is that I have a lot on my mind. So let's blog about it! :D

I've been really irritable today and I'm not even on my period. So, here's the wonderful list of the things that really annoyed me:

1. I'm telling my friend about something really serious and he fucking "hahaha"s me. >:[ Now that really pisses me off because he's not taking me seriously. I'm so fucking sick of people who can't take me SERIOUSLY! It kills me. It makes me want to fucking shoot them. Especially when I'm like upset or sad, you know. Like, I really needed someone to talk to. I needed someone to listen. I don't want them to be laughing. Shit. Shit pisses me off.

2. EXBOYFRIENDS. Fuck them. We're not even together and he's still giving me some damn problems. I'm not even talking about Jeff. I'm talking about Donn. -__- Like seriously, I thought everything was cool between us and we were friends and what not. A while back I asked him if he could silkscreen Step's sweaters before our competition this Friday and he agreed. I gave that fool the designs and everything. I put in some goddamn trust. He fucking ignores me and doesn't call me back and what not. Oh man and I just KNOW that he didn't get those sweaters done AT ALL. Bitchassfuckingshit. You have no idea how mad I am. He has no reaosn to do this shit to me. We have fucking comp this weekend and we need to wear SOMETHING. Yeah, so I'm pissed because I fucking trusted that bitch and I'm really mad at myself for that. Also, I let my team down. I told them I could get them done. I told them I knew someone. I let them down and that is what hurts the most. I'm like trying to pick up all the pieces right now and try to get some sweaters made. That's why I didn't go to school today. I needed my dad to take me to Fan Mart and the only time was in the morning. :[

3. Those crazy, insane, overprotective, moms that SNOOP. I was watching the Tyra Show this morning and there were these moms that snooped like no other. Oh gee. Let me tell you. There was this one mom who hella interrogates her daughter's dates! Like, she writes down his license number, license plate, type of car, etc. She takes notes like on paper about his appearance. Piercings, tattoos. Dude, she even looks up the guy on the internet to make sure he's like safe or whatever. Then, when she gets home she hella makes her daughter strip down and she hella checks her body for like marks like hickies and bruises. EVEN SMELLS HER. Wtf. Damn, I'd kill myself if my mom was like that. Omg and there was this one mom who hella like snooped. She would go through her daughters' rooms and check EVERYTHING. Including the trash and their diaries! It's so sad. :[ Talk about invasion of privacy. Like her daughter had a special knot on her diary and there was a certain way to tie it and her mom hella found a way to do it and she would make that knot so it would look like she never opened it. So sad!!!! I'm glad my mom isn't as crazy. They weren't even asian moms either! Cuurrazzy stuff man. That hella annoys me though. You've gotta trust your kids. Oh yeah. While I was watching the show, I was thinking about how interesting it would be if my mom and I were on Tyra. HAHAHA. Omg, that would be something to see. There would be like hella drama and bullshit coming out of my mom's mouth. I would probably end up crying like a baby or like get into a catfight with my mom. HAHAHA. Omg, I'm so funny. x]

4. Friends that blow me off for something like weed. Today was the first incident. Honestly, I'm not totally sure if he was but I'm like 90% sure. I really needed his help with something. I needed to buy sweaters still for Step and no one could drive me. He said he would, but yeah... :/ I got my auntie to take me so I'm not too mad. But if you're reading this and you weren't smoking, please let me know. <3

5. Racists! Especially if they're my FAMILY. Omg, it's such a shame. It's so embarassing. I got my auntie to take me to Fan Mart and omg she was so mad. She was complaining about the traffic and all the black people. She wasn't talking shit this time. Thank God or I woulda slapped a bitch. I was already in a bad mood. I was already like yelling at her. I like how I can talk back to her because she doesn't do anything. Not like my mom. She's fucking scary. /)_x But anyway, I think it's so weird how like she doesn't like black people! Same with my mom and like all the aunties and uncles. >_> When we use to all live in the same area, we hella lived in the ghetto. We were the only asians on the block. I grew up there and it was hard. I couldn't have my friends over because they were black. Some days, I couldn't even go outside to go play with them 'cause they were black. When we celebrated birthdays, they couldn't come because they were black. :[ There all these dumb ass reasons. They always told me, "They're black. They're not good people." I'm glad I didn't grow up being all racist. It's hella dumb. I think that's why my family bugs me about my skin color. I know I'm not black, but I'm really dark. o_o It really bothers me. It's like they can't accept me because of my skin color. I'm not white like them. Oh gosh, they always give me whitening soaps like Papaya and Bloc&White. It's ridiculous. Leave me the fuck alone.

6. The Secret Life of the American Teenager. This show sucks ass. Bad actors, bad story, bad, bad, bad. I don't even know why Jorge and I continue to watch it! I guess it's just one of those things where it sucks so bad but you just keep watching it. Hahaha idk. But basically it's about this one girl who gets pregnant with this one boy at band camp. It was like a one night stand. Didn't even last long. They ended up not talking or going out or anything. I guess that one girl starts going out with another guy and she eventually finds out that she's pregnant. The guy that she's with is like in love with her and like they get married or some shit. Idk. It's bullshit. If I could rewrite the story I would make the girl a little slutty. She is too nice! Too good to be having a one night stand with this crazy bad boy. It's just not realistic. Also, I wouldn't make her stupid boyfriend so in love with her. It's stupid. They haven't even talked long enough. Dumb shit. He even asked her to marry him. Wtf!! They're like fifteen. Shit. He thinks he's in love. Dumbass. Hahaha wow look how mad I am at this show. x_x Oh and I wouldn't make that one mexican girl so in love with sex or even try to have sex with her step brother! I know they're not blood related but gross!

Hm, I think that's it to my list that hella irritated me today. I don't feel sleepy at all. I do feel really worried though. I hate feeling this way. I'm worrying about Step's sweaters. We got the silk screen printing down, but I need to buy the sweaters themselves. I only have three mediums. Eight more smalls to go. :[ I'm not even going to school tomorrow so I can keep searching for sweaters, but also I'm going to hit up Denny's a few times for some FREE GRAND SLAMS! <3<3<3. The best food is free. :] Hm, but I think that is the only thing I'm worrying about right now. I'm not too worried about the performance. I got it down and everything. We all just need to practice. It's also the beginning of the semester and I'm going to be missing two days! Hahaha, I'm not toooo worried. I'm kind of sad though. I promised that I would do better in school and everything, but I let all this bad stuff happen. I felt like shit earlier. I hella fucked up and let my team down. It's like the worst feeling. :[ I also didn't go to work. I didn't just not go. I was still out looking for sweaters and I knew I couldn't make it in time to get back home and get ready. :[ This is a really important time too and I'm just not there. Hopefully, I can go tomorrow if nothing comes up.

I really, really should sleep. Let's try this again. Goodnight.

Sick days.

I thought I was better. I just had a cold yesterday. My body felt fine and everything until...
I woke up this morning feeling like I got hit by a massive truck! I felt so horrible. I was so confused and pissed.

I was really hot and I was like, "Oh hell no. Don't tell me I have a fever again!"

So I had to go to Fan Mart to do some business. I had to go drag my sick ass over there, but I was doing it for Step<3. I found out that the reason I was so hot was because of the weather! It felt like a million degrees! I was trippinnn ouuutt. It was all random.

After Fan Mart, I was just thinking in the car. I was thinking about how my dad has T Mobile and I use to have Cingular. o_o Weird, right? Well, not too weird. I just started living with him. And then I thought about how cool Sidekicks were. I love how the screen like does that crazy shit. Oh man. It would be so cool if I got one. Then, I had like the brightest idea! I asked my dad when his plan ends.

He said last January and I was thinking, "o_o '08?"

BUT, gee... I'm so dumb. He meant like last January because it's February now! Hahahahaha.

I assumed that he had already upgraded or whatever you call it so I was like, "Darn, you should have gotten me a free phone."

AND OMG YES! He said, "I didn't upgrade yet."

ANNNNND BOO YAAAAAHH! I can get a free phone! Wooop de dooo. HAHAHA so much for not depending on a phone and shit. But it's okay. People can contact me now, especially work. They get all annoyed when they can't get a hold of me. x]

But um, I'm really tired and I think I should rest. So good afternoon! :]

01 February 2009

Oh, the wonderful things I do. <3

ANYWAY, I was totally worrying about nothing. The show at Borders is on the THIRTEENTH and I don't know, but my dumbass self thought that this Friday was the thirteenth. Hahahaha. So, I guess I have nothing to worry about. I can still go to both events and support my friends. :] Goodness, I just do the craziest things.

Okay so it's like six in the morning and I'm not tired or sleepy at all. I'm not even hungry. O_O It's just that there's really nothing I can do. I even changed my MySpace! D: Woah woah. That's like once in a lifetime. -__- Hahaha jk. If I was home though, I would clean my room. I think I'll do that later today though. That would be nice. I have a lot on my mind actually. Maybe that's why I can't sleep. Idk. Should I blog about it? o_o.

Nah, I'm lazy. Kamille is awake now and I think I'll go to sleep. :]

Woah, finally!

Yay!!! :DD I finally created my Blog Spot! It actually turns out that I already made this one like last December. o_o Yeah, I don't even remember ever making one haha. So yeah, I'm at Kamille's house and it's like almost four in the goddamn morning. x_x

Finals are finally fucking over. My goodness. Most insane week of my life. -__- I just had so many things to do and I was dealing with all kinds of issues. I couldn't even look at my planner because it was just too much. :[ Whatever. I'm glad semester two is starting tomorrow. :] I wish we had like a break or something. I feel like I need more rest. Oh man and I'm STILL sick. Geez. It's 'cause I keep going out hahaha. At least my fever's gone except I can't breathe and I get these massive headaches. @__@

SOOOOO. After my english final, I got the fuck out of school. Well, I tried to leave as fast as I can. I was sick as fuck and my lovely family wanted me to walk home with a fever. Geez, thanks a lot. I love you guys. =_=

So, I was hella pissed walking down Brandywood, not only because of my heartless family, but also we had to stay in our last final for an extra eighteen mothafuckin' minutes! WTF IS THAT?! I was like, "Who the fuck runs this place?" I never hated my school so much. I'm like so tired of our bad reputation and the dumb shit that I guess the principal? does. Like two lunches. Oh my gosh. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I cannot begin to explain why that is such a bad idea. Oh oh ohhhh and how we only had one modified day for finals and it was the Friday. x___x Ew, fuck Morse!

Okaaay, continuing, I was walking down Brandywood and guess who I see. :] John Decano! Yay. He totally saved my life and drove me home. I was so incredibly happy. You don't even know. Yeah so I get home and lie down for a bit because my head was killing me. I couldn't sleep though. You know that feeling? When you're tired, but not sleepy? I don't like that. -__- I mean, what can you do? Anyway, I decide to get ready to go to Kamille's. We were planning to go eat at Buca di Beppo's since that day was the last day she can use her ten dollar gift card. Sadly, my dad dropped me off at Morse because his carpool was coming for work. If I had known he carpooled, then I would have asked him to drop me off sooner.

I also think that walking is stress relieving. I think a lot when I walk. So I was hella thinking on the way to Kamille's house. I was thinking about the last time I saw my dad besides that one Friday. I actually really thought about. I noticed he had a new haircut that day and he said he got it on Sunday. I didn't see him Sunday because I was out with my mom. I didn't see him Saturday because I was at KP. I know I didn't see him Monday through Friday because I was busy as hell. And then yeah... I really don't remember the last time I saw my dad. It's funny because I see my mom more than him and the whole point of me moving in with him was so I can stay away from my mom. Too bad I phail at life. =_=

I meet up with Kamille at the football field and walk the rest of the way to her house. We end up just eating, sleeping, and watching a bunch of Nickelodeon. o_o Then, we finally get to downtown but I'm not even hungry anymore so we just decide to get dessert from Buca's. Yay, and guess what we got. :] Pistachio gelato. <3 I admit it. I drool sometimes hahaha. Especially when I can't even breathe. x] Also, I had crazy dreams last night and I was tossing and turning in my sheets. I was kind of mad at my mom though. She totally ignored my calls and text. I was kind of worried at first because maybe something might have happened to her. I know nothing did though because my brother would have told me something. I was upset because she usually doesn't ignore phone calls. She ignores me in person though. -__- She could have at least told me that she didn't want to pick me up. I hate people who are like that. On one of the final days, I was sick so I asked skinny Josh if he could take me home. Fucking bitchass beats around the goddamn bush and then ignores me. I get so mad and I'm like, "You can just tell me that you don't want to take me home." What is so wrong with just being straight up with me? Geeez. There's no miracle to this story and I end up walking home with a shitload of stuff. Woop de doo. x_x

Anyway, I lost track about what I was talking about before. I don't even feel like blogging about the rest of my night. I'm lazy now. I'm kind of alone because I'm not on Stickam and Kamille is sleeping. This blog has totally made me sound like a Stickam whore. -__- and it's like the longest blog I have ever written in my whole life. Hahaha man, who is gonna read this shit?!

Yeah, true friends read my blogs all the way through. <3
Goodmorning. I think I'm going to hit the hay.
Does this still count as an all nighter though? :]
It's like 5AM hahaha. x]