04 August 2009

Natural high.

Im on my period and I'm seriously eating everything in sight!! The last time I ate like this was back in the day when I was a pothead and oh man let me tell you!! I ate EVERYTHING! That was when I gained all that weight. =_=

I think it could also be the fact that I'm eating my feelings. :( I'm quite disappointed in myself. I took action though and began creating some change in myself. If you want change, you must first become the change. I smiled more today and said hi to complete strangers. Today I appreciated nature more than I usually do. I also changed my hair! I usually don't do anything drastic but I did!! The color is nice but it's not like OMFG THE COLOR OF YOU HAIR! Uh yeah. I'll post pictures tomorrow or something. I haven't styled it or anything. I'm not sure what I could do with it though. It's okay!! It'll grow out. ;)

So today James and I got into another fight. :( it was really bad this time and of course it's all my fault. -_- idk what to do with myself anymore but I felt so much better after talking to Shaina! Woot woot. I was all hella feeling depressed and just decided to talk to someone who's more experienced... I guess haha. Well she's married and I'm pretty sure she's gone through way worse stuff than we have. What she said really made sense. :) I know we're going to be back together. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but someday. I understand I'm not the greatest person in the world right now but there's always room for change!! I'm glad I talked to her today because I learned so much. ;)

I think I should hit the hay now. I'm using all my will power to not eat. >____> I've been eating peperoncinis all day and I just fell in love with this mango ice cream from the Philippines. O_o I think ever since I got my hair done I got more Asian or something. I should learn to embrace it though. :/ I'm just so ashamed sometimes. I should be proud. =_= but idk I kind of wish I was another kind of Asian.

Anyway!!!! Goodnight! Hopefully I can wash the dishes without grabbing another bite to eat. :3

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