01 August 2009

Successful people think of potential gain.

So I'm pretty happy. Everything is going well with everything. I'm just so disappointed in myself for the mistakes I've made this summer. I wish someone had gotten me out of that hole of depression sooner, but I was all alone. But it's okay though. I've learned and I will never get back to that state again.

I just have to get over it and move on. I really need to make up for all the time that has been lost. It just sucks because August is pretty busy and school is in September. Ugh boo hoo.

I've been really annoyed with people lately though. They say one thing and mean another. They lie to me. They flake out. I'm sick of all these narrow minded people in the world and all the average people who don't want to take risks. Then there are those people who let little things stop them from doing something big. I'm tired of all these stubborn people. I've wasted too much time trying to get through their thick skulls.

It's okay. Those kind of people will get it soon. Even if it takes them several years...

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