22 April 2009

Deep shit.

I got in trouble for messing with the toilet. /)_- I don't really want to talk about it actually. I was just kind of irritated though because I seriously can't control how much comes out of me okay!

So I forced myself to get out of the house today. My goddamn auntie didn't pick me up so I just walked to school. I was feeling so sick. I was just throwing up all along the way. It wasn't good. My brother wasn't even at school when I got there so he still had my phone. x_x I just watched the twirl try outies practice and what not and read some of Slaughterhouse- Five. Then I called my dad and told him to get my phone from my brother then give it to me at Morse. He did everything BUT give it to me! >___> I mean Morse was on the way back he could have given it to me. I was getting so irritated. I knew I had to eat but I couldn't hold anything down. Ayaiyai. I forced myself anyway but I didn't feel too good after. :{

Today was mock try outs. I was nervous yes because I never really danced before. :[ I don't even think I'm all that great. =_= I really hope I make it though because then if I didn't I would have to do sports and everyone knows that I am not the athletic type. -__-

It wasn't so bad actually. I know what I have to work on. I'm at Kamille's house right now and just ate. x___x You shouldn't be dancing around with a full stomach hahaha. It doesn't feel so great. :[ Especially after shitting your brains out and throwing up all over Bullock. :[ I don't feel good right now either. I just feel like throwing up and just sleeping the whole day. I'm not sure if I'm sick. I didn't sleep good last night. I kept tossing and turning. I wasn't sure if it was that screamo music that was playing (lolol) or all the stuff that has been on my mind. Well maybe both but idk. I use to always sleep with screamo music playing.

Well um I don't know what to do now. I have probably destroyed every good thing in my life already. I really don't know why I did it. I'm telling you.. I belong in an aslyum. Too bad I don't have anyone to talk to. Daysha didn't want to talk about anything negative.. That's okay. But hooray for me for fucking everything up. =_=

I'm so sick right now. x_x Blog later.

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