12 February 2009

South Bay Water Treatment Facility

Most horrible fucking field trip of my life. I was not prepared for this at all.

We left the school around nine in a school bus. I sat next to Yolanda. We found out that the treatment center was RIGHT NEXT to Tijuana! Like dude, we were practically in Mexico. You can see the high ass fences and everything. I just wanted to take a picture in front of it and maybe steal some Mexico dirt. HAHA.

When we arrived we were warned to stay with the group at all times because there were moving parts THAT CAN CUT OFF BODY PARTS. I was like "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" It was like we were in some kind of death trap. I was hella trippin and keeping my arms to myself. Faaa real. Then this old guy was talking about to be careful where you step because you could fall through and end up like drowning in churning waters. Oh gosh and he said to be careful of what you touch too because of acid. WHAT THE FUCK RIGHT?! What are these kinds of things doing in a water treatment place? I was hella paranoid. You don't even know.

All the things that guy showed us was cool and everything but everything went downhill when he fucking took us to the most horrible place in the world... I forgot the name actually and it's purpose. It got to the point where I stopped paying attention. But basically there was this room with a bunch of just straight up GARBAGE. It smelled so bad. I cannot even begin to describe the smell. You couldn't even breathe. I was just gagging and I was trying so hard not to throw up. I couldn't breathe at all so I started to breathe a little through my mouth. But no... YOU CAN FUCKING TASTE THE SMELL. WHAT THE FUCK. THAT'S HOW BAD IT WAS. I was just dying. I could not breathe and take this smell. I even started to cry because it was just so bad. I was even getting a headache. I don't even know how long we were in there but it felt like forever. I was so relieved when we got out. I'm so greatful for clean air. <3

I was not enjoying myself after that. I felt so sick. I was hungry before that but now my appetite was GONE. Even right now. I do not feel like eating or drinking water! Eww, fuck that. It still smelled really bad after that room but not as bad. Other students in my class started putting like food and gum wrappers in their noses. That's how bad it was. I couldn't stand it. There was even this area with some DIRTY ASS WATER being filtered. Oh my gosh. There were so many bugs. Like everything was just covered in bugs. It was so gross. There was even this door just covered in those bugs.

Finally after suffering through hell, we went back to school with only ten minutes or so left of lunch. I asked Dariel to pick me up and I hella dipped. Here I am now at home. Not hungry whatsoever. I would love to blog more but I am so incredibly busy. I've got a lot of things to do today. I love it though. :]<3

Have a good rest of the day.

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